Monday, April 15, 2013


It's Monday but I don't plan on eating much tommorrow. At the most I will eat a Special K protein bar. So here is some thinspo

How to be Ana week 2

500 calories a day
Run every night to build endurance
Count calories in your notebook every night
250 crunches a day
Drink 2 glasses water before you eat anything
Do 30 min of extra exercise a night
If you binge at least attempt to purge - punish yourself for the evil things you've done to yourself

Xoxox Meredith

Saturday, April 6, 2013

How to be Ana :Week one

1000 calories per day
300 crunches
30 minutes of extra cardio at least.
12 glasses of water

Also - print out some thinspo and make a notebook. Count calories and plan your meals in it. Make it inspirational.
So guys I didn't post much this week so I decided to. This week was great and I ran every night and restricted my calories every day. This weekend. Different story. I want to die ... Next post is good!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tips pt. 1

Drink a glass of water every hour and make sure it is ice cold. It's good for your complexion and burns more calories when your body digests it.
Drink lots of green tea.
Take vitamins- but not on a totally empty stomach
Don't use laxatives or diuretics they don't work
Eat ice or gum when hungry
After every bite of food chew slowly and drink a sip of water.
Buy expensive clothes in small sizes for motivation
Make yourself food but throw it away
Coffee smell suppresses appetite
Curl into a ball to eliminate hunger pains
Chug glasses of water when your hungry

Yes some of these are from other websites!

Xoxoxo Meredith

Monday, April 1, 2013


So I said I would post thinspo before bed. I just go to sleep late .... These are really nice. More posting tomorrow
Xoxo Meredith
( okay the xoxo sounds a bit gossip girl but .. What the hell I like it )

Meal Monday!

So today has actually been great! I went to dance, came home, ran and then got into the pool and swam laps. And I've only eaten a Special K protein bar and 90 calories worth of soup. So that's probably what I will eat tomorrow too. More posts on exercise since I feel like I haven't done many of those. I'm posting some thinspo before bed and possibly something else really neat that is an awesome guide

Xoxoxo Meredith