Thursday, February 28, 2013

Liquids only and starting your March right

Okay so I actually haven't eaten any solid food since Tuesday. Basically every day  I have one Slimfast before school just so my metabolism dosent slow and end the day with a soup and have about a dozen cups of black coffee throughout my day cause you know you have to stay awake somehow. I actually think its working beautifully. At about 300 calories a day Im actually losing weight and since Sunday I've lost 3 lbs which I wish was more but its better than another weight loss plateau like I had earlier this month. In a full week I only lost 1.7 pounds. The only thing about the liquids only meals is that I find myself a little irritable. But nothing too bad so Im going too keep this up for as long as I can. On another note everyone should start this new month with a goal in mind. Personally Im glad February is over its not been a stellar month for me. I want to start March right and try to tackle the impossible task of preparing myself for the warm weather shorts wearing season rapidly approaching. I hate my legs so much. But lets give this a go. 
    Stay strong xoxo Meredith

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

50 Things to do Instead of Eating

50 Things do do instead of eating
1. Read a book
2. Do homework
3. Paint your nails ( I paint my nails different like every day )
4. Run
5. Text someone
6. Call an old friend
7. Watch funny YouTube videos
8. Try on clothes you want to fit in
9. Play with a pet
!0. Play with siblings/ kids
11. Take a shower
12. Stalk an ex or crush on facebook ( we all do it )
13. Sing and dance
14. Visit a pro ana site ( like this blog )
15. Clean
16. Watch TV
17. Fix something that has broken
18. Go shopping
19. Go on pintrest/ etsy/ wanelo
20. Try out crazy apps on your phone
21. Go to the gym
22. Watch another pointless infomercial ( I find myself doing this too often)
23. Redo your makeup
24. Take a nap
25. Tan. fake or not
26.Find a hard puzzle/ riddle online and solve it
27. Look at a magazine
28. Put on a teeth whitening strip
29.Look at shoes online
30. Try out a new hairstyle
31.Start your own page or blog
32. Smoke
33.Listen to music
34. Memorize all the words to your favorite song
35. Look at pictures of cute animals
36. Start a cool DIY project
37. Make a Channing Tatum collage
38.Call an older relative who loves to talk
39.Clean out your purse
40.Paint or draw
41. Think about people you really dislike and all the annoying stuff they do ( best way to get wrapped up in your own thoughts)
42. Update your calendar
43.Redo a living space
44.Find a weird station on pandora
45. Jump on a trampoline
46. Do handstands ( on a wall if you need to )
47. Impersonate an annoying celebrity
48.Look at current events
49. Take cool pictures
50. Make your own list like this one
                          xoxo - Meredith

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Okay so - purging. Tons of people in the ana community do it. You binge and you purge. I have always been very reluctant to purge for one reason- my teeth. I have braces ( fml) and so I have to see an orthodontist every month. Everyone says, if you purge then you can see it all through your teeth decay. I'm just really freaked out someone may find out. However last night after my mom fixed me a quesadilla and I ate the whole fucking thing I just couldn't keep it in. So I go "take a shower". Well after 20 minutes of trying- hardly anything. I drank loads of water, tried a toothbrush and my fingers, bent all the way over and it wouldnt come up. So I guess I will try again next time. However I did find a little brown bottle with medicine supposed to make you throw up. I think it is called Ipecac ?? Has anyone tried it? I would be super happy if someone wants to tell me their tips and tricks of purging. Actually today as I was "casually browsing" my ex's facebook ( shame shame) I found some pictures that would have done it for me if my stomach wasn't so empty.

   On another note I followed exactly my meal plan for yesterday but I substituted the Doritos for 3/4 cup chocolate Fiber One cereal - 80 calories. That stuff is actually great for sweet cravings and fills you up. Anywaysss
                Stay strong xoxo - Meredith

Monday, February 25, 2013

A few Low Calorie foods to get by on

Sugar Free Jello (10)
Celery per stalk (about 5)
Spinach per cup (>8)
Kiwi whole (46)
One cup broth ( 10-12)
Coffee (0)
Half Grapefruit (48)
Mini Babybell light cheese (50)
Special K cracker crisps 23 for (90)
Popsicle sugar free orange, cherry, grape (20)
1 Box mini rasins (45)
1 Kosher dill pickle (10)
1 slice fat-free American cheese (30)
3⁄4 cup almond milk (45)
Its Meal Monday !!! Every Monday (meal monday ) I will be posting a detailed diet plan of what I plan to eat the next day and any other news.

Tuesday February 26, 2013

7:15 AM - Half Granny smith apple (27)

!2:05 PM- One bag singles baked Doritos chips (90)

4:00 PM- Half Granny smith apple (27) 

6:00 PM - One serving ramen roodles( 190)

                  2 celery stalks ( 10)

Total ----------------------------- 344 Calories

***Post coming soon on purging ***

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Welcome Lovelies into another world of thin. One girl and one blog, My name is Meredith. I want to help you through your journey. This is a pro ana blog. Come here for tips, tricks inspiration, advice and comfort. Feel lonley or have a question email me.
                                                                                               -  xoxo Mere