Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Okay so - purging. Tons of people in the ana community do it. You binge and you purge. I have always been very reluctant to purge for one reason- my teeth. I have braces ( fml) and so I have to see an orthodontist every month. Everyone says, if you purge then you can see it all through your teeth decay. I'm just really freaked out someone may find out. However last night after my mom fixed me a quesadilla and I ate the whole fucking thing I just couldn't keep it in. So I go "take a shower". Well after 20 minutes of trying- hardly anything. I drank loads of water, tried a toothbrush and my fingers, bent all the way over and it wouldnt come up. So I guess I will try again next time. However I did find a little brown bottle with medicine supposed to make you throw up. I think it is called Ipecac ?? Has anyone tried it? I would be super happy if someone wants to tell me their tips and tricks of purging. Actually today as I was "casually browsing" my ex's facebook ( shame shame) I found some pictures that would have done it for me if my stomach wasn't so empty.

   On another note I followed exactly my meal plan for yesterday but I substituted the Doritos for 3/4 cup chocolate Fiber One cereal - 80 calories. That stuff is actually great for sweet cravings and fills you up. Anywaysss
                Stay strong xoxo - Meredith

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