Thursday, February 28, 2013

Liquids only and starting your March right

Okay so I actually haven't eaten any solid food since Tuesday. Basically every day  I have one Slimfast before school just so my metabolism dosent slow and end the day with a soup and have about a dozen cups of black coffee throughout my day cause you know you have to stay awake somehow. I actually think its working beautifully. At about 300 calories a day Im actually losing weight and since Sunday I've lost 3 lbs which I wish was more but its better than another weight loss plateau like I had earlier this month. In a full week I only lost 1.7 pounds. The only thing about the liquids only meals is that I find myself a little irritable. But nothing too bad so Im going too keep this up for as long as I can. On another note everyone should start this new month with a goal in mind. Personally Im glad February is over its not been a stellar month for me. I want to start March right and try to tackle the impossible task of preparing myself for the warm weather shorts wearing season rapidly approaching. I hate my legs so much. But lets give this a go. 
    Stay strong xoxo Meredith

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