Monday, March 4, 2013

How to avoid eating when out with other people

1. Say your allergic
2.Say the food is under or overcooked
3. Say you just dont like the food
4. " Accidentally" drop it 
5. Say you have to cut back on sodium/ sugar/ ect... for medical reasons 
6. Say the food gives you heartburn 
7. Say your a vegetarian/ vegan 
8. Say you have an upset stomach 
9. Ask if anyone else wants it  
10. Say you heard the restaurant/ product has given people food poisoning
11. Point out a fat person eating and say it made you totally lose your appetite 
12. Say you already ate at home 
13. Say you cant eat a certain food for religious reasons
14.Say you have to do some kind of sport/ exercise later and dont want to get nauseous or bloated 
15. Just say you really arent hungry
16. If all else fails, drop the food into your purse when nobody is looking and then flush it in the bathroom

Also if you haven't noticed I didn't post this weekend and most weekends I probably wont just because weekdays it is easier to post every day as part of my weeknight routine. 
                  xoxo Meredith

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