Wednesday, March 27, 2013

That Oh shit moment when you haven't posted

So you guys I've been on spring break this past week. I actually just wish I was back at school. The only plus is more sleep. I actually love having school because it gives you more structure and less time to eat. I'm cutting to 175 calories every day when school starts back. And much more rigorous workouts because sports practice is starting Monday.
Xoxo Meredith

Friday, March 22, 2013

So I was just watching the television. And I see this commercial for slimfull. At the end it says "eating less is a beautiful thing" I can't wait for somebody to explode over that

Monday, March 18, 2013

Meal Monday !!

So I've really been drinking a lot of tea !! Like four 2 cup tumblers a day !! Anyways here is tommorows meal

Breakfast - 2 cups green tea (0)
Two Sunsweet prunes (50)

No lunch

3:00- Detox diet tea (0)

6:30- Progresso light chicken noodle soup : 1/2 can. (70)

So only 120 calories today. Spring break is friday and I've been really depressed lately so I'm trying to lose 10 pounds in 10 days. I've done it before so let's give it a go.

Xoxo - Meredith

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What the heck ?!

I'm so breaking. It's like my body just gave up and it's not even attached to my brain. I'm eating anything and everything and I can feel my stomach expanding. But I can't stop. I'm so depressed. It's like if Im not looking at some type of thinspo or concentrating my whole body toward not eating I can't do it. I'm so depressed and it won't come up. I need to fix this now.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Meal Monday again !

So I know I'm supposed to post a meal plan but I'm planning to fast tommorow because I am getting fitted for cheerleading and want to have a flat empty stomach. So I most likely will not eat anything until they end at 5 and I hopefully will have enough willpower to not eat after. Honestly I have been doing terrible lately. I want to die. I need to get myself out of this binge cycle.
Xoxox Meredith stay strong

Just some thinspo

Check out these Instagrams and twitter accounts they have some great thinspo. I don't know any of these people personally but they post some great stuff

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Eat this ! It has zero calories

Okay I know things like celery and other vegetables have "negative calories" meaning digesting the food burns more calories than the food. However since my mother is a huge health freak she recently ordered 20 packs of Miracle Noodle Shirataki noodles and rice which really do- on the nutrition facts have 0 calories.Its made of plant fibers and expands in your stomach to make you full ! There a little chewy but they arent that bad! You can read about them and buy them at for about $3 or $4 a pack.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013



I will post more tomorrow but if i try too many my computer freezes up
Be Strong -----xoxo Meredith

Calorie Calculators

Hello loves. So I have literally gotten home at 9 for the past two days so excuse my lack of a post yesterday. Anyways I have found two pretty good calculators to see how many calories you burn in any activity or exercise. So check these out -

Right after this I'm also going to post some great thinspo!
                                  xoxo Meredith

Monday, March 4, 2013

Happy Monday Lovessss

Again its Meal Monday!! ( I almost forgot )

Meals for March 5 2013

 7:00 AM - Slimfast ( 190)

12:05 PM - One apple (54)

6:30 PM - One serving Progresso light chicken noodle soup  (70)

Total----------------------------------------------------- 314 calories

 Trying to think of creative stuff to post and more thinspo. Oh and you guys should really + 1 this !!! Stay strong and get skinny
                    xoxo Meredith

How to avoid eating when out with other people

1. Say your allergic
2.Say the food is under or overcooked
3. Say you just dont like the food
4. " Accidentally" drop it 
5. Say you have to cut back on sodium/ sugar/ ect... for medical reasons 
6. Say the food gives you heartburn 
7. Say your a vegetarian/ vegan 
8. Say you have an upset stomach 
9. Ask if anyone else wants it  
10. Say you heard the restaurant/ product has given people food poisoning
11. Point out a fat person eating and say it made you totally lose your appetite 
12. Say you already ate at home 
13. Say you cant eat a certain food for religious reasons
14.Say you have to do some kind of sport/ exercise later and dont want to get nauseous or bloated 
15. Just say you really arent hungry
16. If all else fails, drop the food into your purse when nobody is looking and then flush it in the bathroom

Also if you haven't noticed I didn't post this weekend and most weekends I probably wont just because weekdays it is easier to post every day as part of my weeknight routine. 
                  xoxo Meredith